Please click the button below to email our Custodian of Records or call 561-533-9917

Contact Custodian of Records

About our Governing Board

Palm Beach School for Autism established a Board of Directors made up of community leaders, business professionals, and involved parents from our local community. The Board of Directors is responsible for establishing guidelines for the operation and the fiscal accountability for the school.

The Board of Directors delegates to the Executive Director authority and responsibility for the management of the day to day operations of the school.

The Board meets quarterly at PBSFA. Public notification is made available via flyers on school bulletin boards and the website.

If anyone has an item to be brought to the board, it must be received by the board secretary at a minimum of three days prior to the meeting so it can be placed on the agenda.

Grievance Process

If there is a grievance, the first course of action is to bring it to the attention of the principal. If the grievance has not been resolved, the person registering the grievance may bring it to the attention of the Executive Director. If it remains unresolved, the person registering the grievance may request a hearing with Palm Beach School for Autism’s Board of Directors.

Our Board Of Directors

President: Randee Gabriel

Vice President: Damien Hunte

Treasurer: Steve Carroll

June Aversano

Russ Feldman

John Spruance

Jerry Zel

Board Meetings for the 2024-2025 School Year

*Meetings begin at 4 PM. On campus meetings are in the boardroom. Virtual meetings will be conducted via Zoom. EMAIL to get the link.*

Monday, September 16, 2024 (On Campus)

Monday, December 9, 2024 (Virtual)

Monday, March 17, 2025 (Virtual)

Monday, May 12, 2025 (On Campus)

Our Curriculum

Palm Beach School for Autism uses the following online curricula which comply with the Florida State Board of Education Rule 6A-1.0955, F.A.C.
The following is a list of the on-line curriculum used:
HMH Central
Unique Learning Systems

Records Custodian

Stacey Trozolino is PBSFA’s Records Custodian. She can be reached at 561-533-9917 ext. 309 or click her name to contact her via Email.


Click on the headings below to see the corresponding information.